Biden for Dictator! (II)
I thought you mind be entertained by the backstory to the recent Biden for Dictator! article. But first, an astute reader added to that discussion about possible interference with the impending inauguration by suggesting that the elite may allow the inauguration to go forward and then collapse the economy, leaving Trump holding the bag. This idea points to a wide range of possibilities for the elite to undermine Trump’s presidency without preventing the inauguration as the recent Biden for Dictator! article suggests could happen. That is, rather than preventing Trump’s 2nd presidency altogether, they could simply render it moot after the inauguration, as the President has no power to stop events such as the orchestrated California fires, for example, or any of a number of other potential orchestrated catastrophes. So, we’ll just have to see what happens next. But friends, we’re not going through a series of challenging times after which everything will go back to normal. What’s coming is nothing less than the complete collapse of modern society as we now think if it. However, while the elite are orchestrating this to advance their control, the eventual outcome will be their exposure and downfall, paving the way for the building of an ethical and compassionate society. The reason we can’t go back to normal is not simply that corruption has infiltrated all societal systems, but because there is no normal—there never was. Our society was designed from the start for our control. This reality remains largely hidden even to the most aware among us, as there are a multitude of levels to societal “sleep,” most of which still lies beyond even the most awake and aware among us. The question isn’t “Are you awake?”, but rather, “What level of the dream are you in today?” Awakening is, at least potentially, a continually recurring process throughout our lives in which we see a continually greater realty than before with each awakening.
Anyway, on a much lighter note, here’s the “Biden for Dictator!” backstory…
Beginning in late 2023, I started getting daily GOP texts about many 2024 elections. I must have donated $10 to someone at some point, so now they won’t leave me alone. I think it critical to understand that a large part of manipulating aware communities concerns keeping us all continuously engaged so we don’t see much of what’s really going on and, more importantly, don’t engage in the non-intellectual mental processes required to awaken to real solutions. Yes—we, too, are manipulated. Nobody thinks they are; everyone is. We see things the masses don’t, but the same powerful manipulation that hides the problems from the masses also hides real solutions from us. This is why our decades of ever-greater activism work have always been met by advancing control. We do more, better, greater; they go faster. As psychological manipulation operates on and from a subconscious emotional level that controls conscious perception, no one sees their own manipulation. In practical terms, before you awakened to vaccine truth, for example, did you run around saying, “I’m tired of being asleep to vaccine truth. I sure hope I wake up soon!” Of course not. How, then, could you possibly know whether you’re manipulated now to something else you don’t yet see? That’s right—you can’t. And when you understand the underlying psychology (not available in mainstream psychological sources; they were scrubbed long ago for obvious reasons), it becomes clear that we’re all manipulated, including the most awake and aware among us, because waking doesn’t dissolve the implanted psychological barriers that hide truths, it only expands them to encompass some of the information that was previously inaccessible. But as there are always perception boundaries at play, there is always the potential for still further awakening, enabling the conscious intellect to “reach” and process a still greater reality. Finally—and this is absolutely critical—as manipulation bypasses the conscious intellect to target a subconscious emotional level, no amount of intellectual brilliance provides any defense; nor does a strong intellect provide a means of escaping our own unseen manipulation, because the operation of the intellect is bounded by distinctly non-intellectual subconscious (i.e., invisible) barriers. So, a non-intellectual psychological process is required to awaken from our own unseen manipulation—to address the powerful yet invisible barrier between us and real solutions. Our failure to yet recognize and address is why decades of ever greater activism work have always been accompanied by advancing control. If this sounds confusing, or even absurd, congratulations: You’ve just demonstrated the power of psychological manipulation. For it controls—quite literally—what appears real or unreal, true or false, logical or illogical as to specific ideas (facts, concepts) in targeted audiences. This hides real problems even from brilliant medical doctors, for example, the majority of whom believe in vaccines; while hiding real solutions from us. Pro-vaxxers keep vaccinating because that appears real, true, and logical to them in a way that their intellects have no ability to prevent, detect, or escape; and it does the same thing to us as to real solutions, also in a way that our intellects have no ability to prevent, detect, or escape. This doesn’t mean there’s no solution, however; it only means that the way out requires a non-intellectual mental faculty. See the information below about one available process for addressing this.
Meanwhile, those GOP texts continued daily up to and past the recent election, peaking at around 30 or more texts per day near the election, and totaling around 2,000 in all. (No, I didn’t actually count them all, but this figure is not an exaggeration).
Now, all texts come with the option to opt out, but the opt out only applies to the specific phone number sending the text. When I say “around 2,000,” that’s 2,000 different phone numbers. So, opting out doesn’t actually opt you out. I even threatened to sue the RNC, but of course they ignored that, because you can’t sue corrupt elite anywhere (and all politicians are front men and women for the apolitical corrupt elite who “own” and control world governments).
Both my landline and cell phone numbers have been listed with the federal Do Not Call List for years. This means it’s illegal for anyone to call or text me unsolicited. And that federal law says you can sue violators for $1500 for each violation. BUT, that $1500 applies only to the second text or call and beyond. So, my theory is that they reach out from a different number each time (well over 95% of the time, anyway) to escape liability under the federal Do Not Call laws.
So, my only recourse was to vent. <sigh> Now, such texts are broadcast texts going out to who knows how many thousands or millions of voters, so they don’t get or read reply texts. But I replied to each text anyway—for over a year now—with “Biden for Dictator!”
But perhaps they had the last laugh on me. I kept over a years’ worth of GOP texts so I could create a 10 minute video of me scrolling through the endless list of texts with my “Biden for dictator!” response to each one, but a recent iPhone update deleted 95% of them. <sigh> Still, the phrase has value, for it underscores the absurdity of politics, that it’s all theater, each party playing “good cop, bad cop” to their own base. And sadly, even most of the aware community has been taken in by this (in which case the phrase “aware community” is a contradictory term, but I digress…). Despite everyone whole stole their election in 2020 still being in power, which happened at all political levels, which tells us that the system remains as corrupt and controlled as ever, most of us pretended that there actually was a real election and, more disturbingly, that we can rely on the results.
Friends, Trump won the 2024 election because the elite decided to allow it. This tells us that this time, they’re going to do something different to control him and his new administration (if the inauguration does in fact take place). The elite are always one step ahead of us. While we were busy making sure there was no 2024 repeat of 2020—while we were “looking in the rear view mirror”—they had already moved on to whatever their next plan to advance their control will be. We’ve already seen some of that, the latest being the orchestrated California fires. So, if Trump does take office, it simply means that he’ll be controlled in a different way. And don’t even get me started on Kennedy, who’s already chummed up with top pharma execs. Folks, we know but keep forgetting for some reason:
He who can suicide anyone at any time with complete impunity owns and controls everything. Corrupt or not, all political leaders are either bribed or coerced. “If you want your child to come home from school tomorrow with both legs, here’s what you’re going to do…”, and there are few to none on the planet who would—or could—stand up to that. It’s all theater, whether any given individual wants to do the right thing or not.
But friends, this doesn’t mean there’s no way out; it only means the way out isn’t anything we’re currently doing (or have ever done). We MUST think out of the box, because everything *in* the box is controlled by mega-wealthy, megalomaniacal, apolitical psychopathic elite. So, it boils down to this: No one can save us. Individuals and small groups are easily “managed”—bribed or threatened. The way out, then, requires stepping outside of the systems they control—which is *all* of them—and attacking that control, which predetermines outcomes as needed to support the advancing control (and doesn’t when that’s not needed, to sustain the illusion that the corrupt systems they control can work for us. Friends, they can’t. That’s illusory. That’s our manipulation.
One project recognizes and addresses this. With your help, it can finally get off the ground to start a real, once-and-for-all turnaround. But as long as you’re waiting for someone else to fix all of this for you, you’ll keep waiting. Because no one can save us; only all of us can save all of us. See the information below for more about this.
Stay tuned…
With gratitude,
Alan Phillips, J.D.
Vaccine Rights Legal Expert
Waking from our own unseen manipulation requires a psychological process to bring the unseen manipulation into conscious view so that it can be released, one layer of cognitive dissonance at a time. This is what lies between us and real solutions. For information about Tools for Next Level Awakening, send an email to (a temporary, auto-response email address; Alan may be contacted at Make haste, for we are fast approaching the point of no return, and the fate of humanity lies in the balance. Don’t take my word for it; see and decide for yourself! For that is the only way that awakening ever truly happens.
Starting Places for Next Level Awakening:
1. The New Kentucky Law: Victory or Deception?
5. Awake and Asleep: Not So Different
6. Critical Thoughts on Critical Thinking
Alan Phillips, J.D., is the nation’s leading vaccine rights legal expert, the only person who’s ever worked fulltime as an attorney with exemptions, who’s worked in the approx. 70 U.S. exemption contexts and sub-contexts with clients, attorneys, legislators, and activists nationally, and for anywhere near Alan’s two-and-a-half decades of exemption work. Experience matters! For exemption help, see