Most vaccine-aware people have experienced failed attempts to awaken friends, family members, or co-workers. We reasonably expect them to review our information while we sit back and watch the lightbulbs turn on, and then thank us for waking them up. Yet, the opposite occurs. We get ignored, laughed at, ridiculed, or worse. We’re just “crazy conspiracy theorists.” Usually, they won’t even look at our information. But when they do, they claim it’s erroneous, the bad studies, or disinformation. One way or another, truth gets rejected. We come away scratching our heads, offended at their disrespect, and concluding that they are stupid and lack critical thinking skills. Because truth appears obvious to us, we believe we’re smarter than sleepers. But are we, really?
If you think about it, the belief that aware people are smarter than sleepers just doesn’t add up. The majority of brilliant medical doctors believe in vaccines, yet some average grade school kids can see that we’ve all been lied to about vaccines. Friends, brilliant medical doctors aren’t stupid, and they don’t lack critical thinking skills. So, what’s really going on here?
In a word, psychology. When you understand the underlying psychology, both the sleepers’ rejection of our information and our confusion about that rejection make perfect sense. In fact, both responses are highly predictable. Fear vs. Knowledge presents an introduction to the psychological manipulation that works in both sleeper and aware communities, so I won’t repeat all of that here. (Please read it if you haven’t yet!) But in brief:
First, psychological manipulation operates from the subconscious. So, its operation is invisible. “I’m manipulated so I think vaccines are great!” said no one, ever. No one knows they’re manipulated, or it wouldn’t work. Psychology is the only weapon that hides its own use. Let that sink in for a minute…
Manipulators present false narratives in a way that makes them appear credible and true to their target audience, and in a way that anchors the narratives to a related subconscious fear—a fear of disease death with vaccine narratives, for example. Once that connection is established, the subconscious fear drives conscious perceptions related to the implanted narrative. The fear solidifies the narrative’s appearance as true and logical to the manipulation victim. So, when a manipulated victim encounters real truth, it conflicts with the narrative; and that conflict triggers the subconscious fear. The triggered fear drives everything else, but being subconscious, that part of the process is invisible. Also, emotions don’t think; they just react. So, when the invisible fear is triggered, it instantly and automatically generates conscious level rationales consistent with the fear so that the conscious mind can immediately act to address the “threat” (truth) that triggered the fear. Do you get it? Manipulation causes truth to trigger a survival instinct. The result is that manipulation victims reject truth to save their lives on a subconscious emotional level. To the subconscious mind, survival trumps everything else. Fear wins over truth. Manipulation is powerful.
People who reject truth aren’t stupid, careless, or lacking in critical thinking skills at all. The manipulation literally prevents their intellects from being able to reach and process truth information. It makes vaccines appear logical and any other view appear crazy and dangerous. From there, all conscious behavior is consistent with the manipulated belief. The more vaccines, the better. Control perception, and you control what looks logical to a person; control what looks logical to a person, and you control related behavior. Controllers can’t control each person’s specific form of rejection, but they don’t need to. They just need to ensure that each victim rejects vaccine truth one way or another. That’s all it takes to keep their agenda rolling forward. And that’s why it always has, and still is, rolling forward.
Everyone’s view of reality, manipulated or not, appears logical to them. For manipulation to work, that would have to be the case, wouldn’t it? If manipulated beliefs were easy to distinguish from non-manipulated beliefs, victims would know they’re manipulated, and could easily avoid or escape the manipulation. Manipulation works, then, because you can’t see it operating (it starts in the subconscious); and because you can’t tell manipulated beliefs from non-manipulated ones. This raises a chilling prospect. If manipulated and non-manipulated beliefs look the same, how could we ever know if we’re manipulated? Unfortunately, you can only see your own manipulation retrospectively, after you’re free from it, just like we don’t usually know we were dreaming until after we awaken from the dream. That’s why no one, sleeper or aware, ever thinks they’re manipulated. Clearly we’re more awake than the masses; we see things they don’t. But that doesn’t mean controllers can’t hide other things from us, such as what it takes to stop them. And they do. The same psychology that hides the problem from the masses hides solutions from us.
If your immediate reaction was, “Well, maybe others, but not me, I’m too smart and awake to be manipulated,” I invite you to consider, first, that this was a reaction, and not a conclusion based on researching the psychological literature or any other logical process; and second, that the first sign of successful manipulation just might be such a belief. You see, for manipulation to be effective, it would have to be invisible to the victim (which it is, being driven from the subconscious); and to be sustained long-term, it would also have to create a belief in its victims that “I can’t be manipulated,” or the victim might suspect the manipulation and start investigating. The likelihood, then, is that being manipulated is accompanied by a belief that one can’t be manipulated, as that would be required for the manipulation to be effective. How many sleepers believe they’re manipulated? No need to take a poll, we all know the answer: None! Same with us, folks. (This may be another one of those “let that sink in” moments…)
You see, we all assume we’re too smart to be manipulated, that our intellects shield us from manipulation. But manipulation completely bypasses the conscious intellect altogether by targeting and triggering subconscious emotions (using false narratives designed to trigger subconscious fear). So, the intellect, no matter how powerful, provides no barrier at all. Indeed, the opposite occurs. For while the starting point is a triggered subconscious fear, the end-target of manipulation is the conscious intellect. That’s the part that, driven by the triggered subconscious fear, rejects truth, pushes it away. The stronger the rejection, the more successful the manipulation. And who rejects the strongest? People with the strongest intellects. Waking up requires accepting truth, not rejecting it. So, those who reject truth the most powerfully are likely to be the last ones to awaken. For this reason, manipulation works better “on people with advanced degrees,” as one psychology professor who wrote a book on manipulation put it. This is why the doctors who see vaccine injury in their practices aren’t the ones leading the vaccine-awareness charge. Sadly, they will be the last to awaken. This is a generalization, of course. A small percentage of medical doctors are wide awake to vaccine problems. But they are the exception.
So, what about us? If manipulated beliefs are indistinguishable from non-manipulated one, how could we know if we’re manipulated? Especially if you can’t see your own manipulation until you’re free from it?
For starters, they can’t put us back to sleep on the problem or surely they’d have done so by now. But might we nevertheless be asleep to real solutions? Reaching a clear answer requires careful scrutiny of some of the things we take for granted, some of what looks logical to us, some of how things appear, to determine where we see as clearly as we think we do. One way is to look for contradictions in our own perceptions. For example, there have never been more people speaking out about vaccines than during the past two years. Yet at the same time, vaccine injuries and deaths multiplied by a factor of more than 100. Yet, many among us repeatedly declare that we’re winning despite losing far worse than ever before. This is a contradiction, an example of our cognitive dissonance. And it’s no accident. Just like the masses who believe in vaccines despite the world getting sicker, we believe we’re winning despite the agenda moving ever forward. We’re no more careless or lacking critical thinking skills than the pro-vaccine masses. We, like them, are brilliantly manipulated.
Information is a critical part of awakening. But information alone isn’t enough, as our attempts to awaken sleepers has shown us. We must also address the subconscious fear barrier. That requires a non-information, non-intellectual psychological process. The “hidden” information can’t be “reached” until the manipulated perception is shifted; and that requires shifting the narratives’ subconscious fear anchor.
The same applies to us with respect to reaching real solutions. The Brass Tacks paid subscription ($5/month, the lowest fee substack allows) provides one method. Weekly articles are designed to facilitate our own awakening process, to help us identify and peel away layers of our own cognitive dissonance by close examination of our community’s perceptions. Since you can’t see manipulation until you’re free from it, an open mind is required, a willingness to explore the possibility. You see, the nature of manipulation is such that “once you see it, no explanation is needed; until then, no explanation will convince you.” Like the problem, everyone just has to see it for themselves. In both cases, “seeing” results from a perception shift that enables the conscious mind to reach and process the relevant information. Information is critically important, of course. Reaching it, however, requires a distinctly non-information process.
Friends, it’s time to wake up to the next level, to wake up to the solution. Explore the possibility. You’ll be amazed at what you find.
With gratitude,
Alan Phillips, J.D.
Vaccine Rights Legal Expert
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Alan Phillips, J.D., is the nation’s leading vaccine rights legal expert, the only person who’s ever been a fulltime attorney with exemptions, who’s worked in all 3 dozen exemption contexts and sub-contexts (indeed, the only one who can name ½ of them), and who’s worked with clients, attorneys, legislators, and activists nationally for over two decades. For exemption assistance, see