Let’s cut to the chase: The current administration, when held accountable, will be executed for treason. So, there’s no way they would ever cooperate with a “smooth transition of power.” So why would they say that? Because they already have in place a plan to prevent Trump’s inauguration. We’ll come back to this in a minute…
Aware community blindness reached a new peak in the recent fake election. Given the massive, well-documented corruption of the 2020 election and the fact that all the corrupt beneficiaries are all still in office (at all levels: local, state, and federal) tells us that a real election in 2024 was not a possibility. Folks, there hasn’t been a real presidential election for decades, it was just never more obvious and corrupt than in 2020. Yet, virtually all “aware” people ignored this and pretended that there was a real election; and worse, we actually think we won. Wow…
But if there was no real election—if it is all theater (and it is), why did the let Trump win? Let’s break it down:
1. The elite are always a step ahead of us. While we’re learning from the past—great care was taken to avoid a repeat of 2020 in 2024—the elite had already moved on to something completely different. While we were busy looking in the rear view mirror, they were far ahead out in front, completely out of our field of view despite being right in front of us. Manipulation operates by keeping you engaged. When you’re busy arguing one side, you don’t see the puppeteers orchestrating the entire show. Each political party plays “good cop” to their audience in an elite-controlled “good cop, bad cop” game.
2. So what happened? a) They staged Trump’s win (let him win), as that caused his supporters to go passive with a false sense of security, which b) leaves everyone completely off guard for what’s coming, thereby c) maximizing the effect of what’s coming—the shock—that will provide the excuse(s) for “postponing” (indefinitely) the inauguration, and beyond.
So, what’s coming?
Who knows specifically, but let’s start with the obvious: It must an event(s) that disrupt(s) society on a scale that would justify postponing the inauguration. So while we may not be able to predict precisely what the event(s) will be, we know that the order of magnitude will be great. Hypothetical examples include Trump’s assassination, an EMP attack(s), a declaration of war (nothing going on that could cause that now, is there?), or a major cyber-attack (think: major financial center—listen up those of you in or near NY, LA, Chicago, Miami, etc.), among countless other possibilities. But whatever it is, it has to happen before Inauguration Day, January 20, 2025, and it has to be really big (or be presented to appear really big) for enough people to accept it—or worse, be too preoccupied with their own survival to care about the inauguration.
Friends, this isn’t mere speculation. Last August, “Santa Klaus” Schwab of the WEF announced an upcoming series of catastrophic events beginning before the election (Helene, Israel, Milton) from which we’d never go back. Folks, he wasn’t making a prediction, this was an announcement. And the biggest events are yet to occur.
So, how should you prepare? As best you can, with the following in mind:
a) You can’t prepare for a direct hit. If your town is the next Maui and you don’t have inside information enabling you to leave before the strike, it won’t matter how much food you have stored. During (not from) Helene, entire towns full of people were abruptly washed away during the night. It’s difficult to prepare for such unseen events.
b) For everything else, prepare to survive the worst (outside of a direct hit), so you can handle that or anything less. If you can’t prepare at that level, keep moving in that direction the best you can, because the closer you get to fully prepared, the more likely you are to be able to manage whatever comes.
So, what is the worst thing short of a direct hit? An EMP attack tops my list, as the technology is here, and the impact would destroy society as we know it, and along with that any ability to hold the criminal elite accountable (not that we have that ability now, because we don’t; the elite own the accountability systems. But if they fear being held accountable, they will strike with the greatest force they can, because they either control humanity or get executed for treason and genocide).
An EMP attack means you have no water, food, transportation, or communication. It’s an instant trip back to the stone age. If you don’t live within walking distance of the blast perimeter and move quickly to get there after a strike, you could only survive if you had an independent source of water, food, shelter, power (primarily for heating and cooling), and the means to defend that, since a major EMP attack will quickly bring cannibalism back into style. If you just laughed, fine, but this is dead serious. When large numbers of people are abruptly thrown into a life or death situation with no clear way out, most will panic, but some will form gangs that will tear through neighborhoods forcefully taking anything anyone has to stay alive. An “every man (or gang) for himself” mentality would quickly emerge. Friends, none of us know what extremes we might go to if abruptly forced into such a situation, but at least some people would go to whatever extremes were necessary to survive—to save their children if they have any—when faced with a genuine “do or die” situation. Whether you would isn’t the point. The point is that others would, so you’d have to deal with that.
How to prepare is covered by others information sources, though this article presents some often overlooked important considerations. Meanwhile, while we see things the masses don’t, we are nevertheless also deeply asleep. There is far more yet to awaken to than we’ve yet seen, including recognizing clearly that our decades of ever greater activism work have always been accompanied by advancing control, so just isn’t getting the job done. (If you think we’re winning, explain to me how much better off the world is today than 5 years ago...)
This means we keep missing something critical. Yet, as massive as the problem is—the elite control all world governments, including all accountability systems, which is why they never get held accountable—we do, nevertheless, have the ability to stop them. But that won’t happen until we recognize and address the real target: Our own unseen manipulation. No one thinks they’re manipulated, sleeper or aware. Everyone is—sleeper and aware. It’s just a matter of what information and degree. The same psychology that hides the problems from the masses hides real solutions from us. That’s why decades of ever greater activism work has always been met with advancing control, why things keep getting worse despite all we do. Friends, there’s an entirely different “next level” for us to awaken to! And that’s not something you can do with your ego-intellect, your conscious rational mind...
Manipulation operates invisibly from the subconscious level that controls conscious perception. So, you can’t simply decide whether you’re manipulated or not, as the decider—the rational mind—is precisely what gets manipulated, invisibly from the subconscious mind. The rational mind can’t see or reach the problem, which is why we’ve not yet seen or found it (or even starting looking for it). The only thing the “decider” can do is choose to investigate, or not, to see for yourself. But that’s true with any real awakening: Each of us must see for ourself. Anyone who tells you to believe them without checking wants to control you whether their intentions are good or not; and when good, whether they realize it or not. No one ever woke up because someone else gave them information. Waking involves information, but the core component isn’t on the information level at all, it’s on a subconscious emotional level. You can’t get there with your rational mind. That’s why the more we do, the faster they go.
People believe lies not because they’re careless, incompetent, foolish, or lacking critical thinking skills. Manipulation controls reality as to specific ideas in targeted audiences by manipulating perception (which is *not* a rational process). Friends, no one questions reality as they experience it, and that’s why no one thinks they’re manipulated, let alone investigates to see whether that is true or not. Each person’s reality as to any given point reflects their perceptual frame of reference on that point. Control a person’s perception and you control their reality on that point. Literally. It’s that powerful. Manipulation controls reality as to specific ideas in targeted populations. So, if you’re not questioning your reality regarding critical corruption points, for example, you’re likely an unwitting victim of manipulation on those points. Because the only way powerful elite can advance corrupt control is by first controlling our perception, sleeper and aware alike as to the problems and solutions, respectively. As to us? They aren’t fighting us; they are simply managing us while they advance corrupt criminal control. The masses believe—their reality is—that more vaccines = better health, despite the world getting sicker. We believe—our reality is—that our activism work is what’s necessary, and it’s working, despite the control continually advancing. Same exact psychology, just different targets (hide the problems from the masses, hide real solutions from us).
You can’t change reality, whether real or implanted (and the two are indistinguishable) with a rational decision. Freeing yourself from manipulation requires a psychological process addressing the subconscious roots of the unwittingly manipulated perceptions. That can occur proactively—we wake up when we look to see for ourselves; or, reactively when an unseen reality is forcefully and abruptly imposed on you, such as when someone gets a vaccine then has a completely unexpected severe debilitating adverse reaction. Sadly, most awakening occurs with the default “trauma” method. But now that you know of the possibility of your own manipulation, you can choose to look to see for yourself, and quite possibly mitigate the coming trauma that will catch most people, sleeper and aware alike, completely off guard. Some of that will be events that postpone the inauguration, but the catastrophes won’t stop there. Preventing Trump from taking office is just one of many steps to come in the ongoing advancement of control that will accelerate over coming days, weeks, months and years…until we awaken to real solutions and take completely new action to free up all activism work.
Follow the steps below to get information about Tools for Next Level Awakening—awakening to the solution.
With gratitude,
Alan Phillips, J.D.
Vaccine Rights Legal Expert
Waking from our own unseen manipulation requires a psychological process to bring the unseen (subconscious) manipulation into conscious view so it can be released, one layer of cognitive dissonance at a time.
This is what lies between us and real solutions.
For information about Tools to assist Next Level Awakening—tools that address the not-yet-recognized fundamental barrier to real solutions—send an email to (a temporary, auto-response email address beginning Dec 13th). Make haste, for we are fast approaching the point of no return, and the fate of humanity lies in the balance.
Don’t take my word for it; see for yourself! That’s the only way anyone ever really awakens!
Alan Phillips, J.D., is the nation’s leading vaccine rights legal expert, the only person who’s ever been an attorney working fulltime with exemptions, and the only person who’s worked in the approx. 70 U.S. exemption contexts and sub-contexts with clients, attorneys, legislators, and activists nationally for over two decades (indeed, the only person who can even name more than a few of them). For exemption help, see, or contact Alan HERE.