I could not have anticipated the speed and magnitude of your response to my GoFundMe request for help. I reached my fundraising goal in only three days. Wow. Nor can words fully express my humble gratitude. A huge piece of anxiety melted away, leaving me more optimistic than ever about getting through this Friday’s operation, through a speedy recovery, and back to work serving all who desire my help, to the best of my ability. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for making this possible in the best possible way under present circumstances.
While securing funds was the primary goal, the outpouring of support took many forms, all meaningful and deeply appreciated. Prayers, well-wishes, client referrals, and more, all of which have made and continue to make a difference.
Many of you sent alternative healing suggestions. This, too, is deeply appreciated, though due to the unique, complex circumstances of my specific situation, most don’t apply. Curiously, no two suggestions were alike, underscoring the availability of a gazillion different alternative health approaches (yes, I counted). However, the few that are applicable are being incorporated; and given the funding response, I’m thrilled to report that I’ll be incorporating other alternative approaches to my recovery that, for lack of funds, were simply not possible previously. My current situation is not due to a lack of awareness of alternative health options, but more to a lack of ability to employ them when most needed. What tangled webs we weave…
And there was one more gift, a profound one, in all of this. The common element in all responses, whether a fleeting thought wishing me well or a huge financial donation, is that they sprung out of empathy and compassion. These are feelings; and since feelings don’t think—they just react—the outpouring of support was immediate and powerful. When you see a person on top of their car floating down a flooded river, you don’t yell out, “What’s your political affiliation?”, you just throw the rope. No one demanded I fill out an application to see if I qualified for their support, though to be fair, my unusual past surely helped “qualify” me to some of you. But at the end of the day, you saw me “afloat” and just “threw the rope.” So, while I may have “lost the car”—still require the operation, I didn’t “drown”—suffer from an unmanageable increase in debt or worsening health condition for not getting the operation at all. Because of you, I “made it to shore,” and so will soon resume my decades-long battle with corrupt evil. But this time, I will do so indebted to you, ever mindful of your helping making that possible, ever vigilant for opportunities to “pay it forward,” accordingly.
In more routine times, we tend to get caught up in our differences, which we recognize as such through rational assessment. In contrast, the act of “throwing the rope”—a compassionate impulse to help others in need—is a reflexive response driven by how we feel about a problem when it comes to our attention. This is instinctual; it serves our species’ survival. We are hard-wired to react; for if we stopped to take measurements and run calculations, the car and driver would be far down the river long before we reached a logical conclusion. We just throw the rope. Because of this, we’re all here today, free to agree or disagree with this idea.
In this respect, empathy and compassion are far more powerful than our intellects, though to be clear, an ideal approach to problem solving involves both. Our response to problems is initially emotional in nature, reflexive, but we fail to recognize this because the emotional response is usually subconscious, and thus invisible to our rational minds; and because our subsequent rational assessment makes the initially non-rational impulse appear logical in retrospect (which is not to say it’s not logical, only that the assessment leading to that conclusion is retrospective). And the power of the driving emotional impulse correlates to the level of threat posed by the outside triggering event. Events such as 9/11, Helene, and the California fires triggered outrageously heroic acts from ordinary people not because they had PhD’s in heroism, but because our reflexive response to threats is to help. And as the intensity of the reflexive feeling response correlates to the magnitude of the triggering threat, our response to big threats is to engage in big actions. If logical in retrospect, the act of helping when it occurs is driven by compassion, a feeling that transcends any conflicting thoughts that might arise if we had and took the time necessary to conduct an up-front analysis. But we don’t do that, because the “rope” must be “thrown right now.” Sometimes, the 90% of our psyche we don’t see—our subconscious—is more powerful than the 10% of our psyches we do see, our conscious rational minds…
Powerful compassion lies within all of us—more powerful than we know. Sadly, that power is often overshadowed by our overactive rational minds, our ideas about right and wrong, good and bad, superior and inferior—contrasts that arise out of the dualistic thinking inherent to rational thought, the inherently dualistic nature of our reality where every up has a down, every push a pull, every mountain a valley, and so on. But acting out of compassion bypasses dualistic thinking altogether, revealing another possibility: a unity mindset driven by a feeling—compassion—where we all come together without thinking due to the reflexive nature of emotional responses. We just “do the right thing” because it feels right in the moment, but not randomly; rather, this emerges from an innate inner wisdom in which we “know” what’s right, yet wisdom that remains largely unrecognized and untapped in our current society. And not by accident, for this condition makes us more controllable.
Whether we were conscious of it at the time, the “knowing” that our impulsive action was “right” was a feeling. So, while it may appear (and be) logical retrospectively, the act doesn’t result from logical thinking. And this matters, because when our activist work doesn’t fix something, we think more, thereby unwittingly blocking our most powerful tool, our non-intellectual mental faculties. If this sounds confusing or crazy, consider that both Tesla and Einstein told us they didn’t reach their paradigm-shifting discoveries with their intellects; they credited intuition. Einstein was more explicit, saying that he would “think and think and get nowhere”; then, he’d “stop thinking . . . and the answers would come to me, call it intuition or what you will.” He had to get help with the math on his own theories, so clearly others had superior intellects. Just as clearly, then, something more than just his intellect was involved. And friends, these guys solved some pretty big problems. So, we would do well to explore their claims about how they reached their discoveries with the even greater problems we’re facing today in mind—the complete control, if not potential extermination, of the human race. For as profound as Tesla’s and Einstein’s discoveries have turned out to be, their greatest contributions have yet to even be recognized: The means by which they arrived at their discoveries. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
If it’s darkest before the dawn, and if humanity’s darkest times lie ahead as many suggest, then some pretty challenging times await us. However, if that’s true, then the dawn that follows lies ahead, too. So, there’s plenty of room for cautious optimism. And the coming dawn’s brightness will be unprecedented, incomprehensibly from our current perspective. For in our dualistic universe, that brightness must, by definition, light up that new day as bright as the current evil darkness has darkened our current days (and friends, the full depths of this darkness have yet to be fully revealed <sigh>). Yet, should all else fail, the darkness itself may trigger its own undoing by evoking the unprecedented levels of compassion needed to unite us all in such manner that we finally escape elite control, once and for all. When a majority of the world’s population stands together and says, “we no longer accept your authority” to the corruption corporate and governmental elite, their power will quickly crumble, their advancing control finally reverse course once and for all, never to rule over us again. For when tragedies elicit great compassion, the differences that powerfully separate us in “normal” times—that splinter the aware community into thousands of competing ideas, theories, projects, leaders, etc., all moving in different directions at the same time while competing for a share of attention from a small aware community—will be transcended by our becoming one powerful, unified, unstoppable force. In this respect, then, the elite may fuel their own undoing. The more evil control advances, the more powerful we become.
Finally, our dualistic reality, by definition, includes cycles. Thus, the defeat of evil is inevitable; only the manner and timing of it remains a variable (as well as who survives to see the end result). The evil elite’s powerful rule will end as and when the pendulum inevitably swings the other way. Yet, humanity may not be bound to an eternal pendulum “to and fro,” for the current situation may present another possibility altogether. Through unity, we may transcend duality—not to the exclusion of it, but to a greater perceptual frame of reference inclusive of it, resulting in a “have duality but no longer limited to or by it" condition, the co-existence of duality and unity…but more on this later. For now, the main point for now is that the existence of cycles guarantees our eventually success, and our unification may come with an opportunity to transcend the current duality. Put it on the table, let your future experience confirm or deny this for you; stretch your imagination a little…
Friends, could we have anticipated and prevented Helene, the California fires, and other tragic events? Maybe. But we didn’t. And as the elite are not in jail awaiting execution (death penalty debate aside for now), such events powerfully demonstrate that they are still in control, and that they continue to wield power we couldn’t begin to challenge any more than a flyswatter can stand up to an F-16 (though to our credit, we have become master fly swatters). Yet, we have an untapped power that can, and ultimately just may, prevail. And while I do not suggest that tragedies are absolutely necessary for that to occur, I notice that we unify most powerfully in response to them when they do occur; and that the elite just keep rolling them out. So, consider it a last resort or fallback position if you wish, but in the absence of anything else cutting short that rollout, it just may take that—more tragedies—to trigger the required, unprecedented level of compassion necessary to bring unify us in the way needed to finally prevail, once and for all. Just sayin’…
TSP gives us a way to kick-start all of this. It addresses problems not yet recognized by other projects. It enable anonymous participation, so is safe (most aware people remain passive and silent for their own protection, so won’t speak out); geographical diversity—people operating from a multitude of different physical locations, which makes a retaliatory attack virtually impossible even if they could identify all the participants; and it uniquely incorporates the elements of size and repetition needed to address the subconscious fear anchoring the masses’ false narratives that prevents our information from getting through on the conscious level. The masses don’t hear us because they can’t hear us; and we fail to reach real solutions because we can’t hear them, either. Thus, TSP offers us a unique opportunity to free up all activist work, because it targets the one thing holding all of it back. But it can’t go forward until enough of us step up to proactively create the condition required for it to go forward. (More on this soon…)
Time will tell. For now, my known upcoming medical costs are covered, which brings me great relief and the opportunity to explore new depths of gratitude; my faith in humanity has been reignited by your outpouring of compassionate support in multiple ways; and my belief in humanity, our ability to ultimately overcome the continually advancing corrupt criminal totalitarian control despite their immense power over us, has been deepened and renewed. For we really do have what it takes to prevail; we just have yet to fully “see” and apply it, for having addressed only the problem symptoms while missing the underlying root cause. And the good news is this: If we don’t do that proactively on our own, something TSP affords us the opportunity to do, the elite—in the Mother of All Ironies—may actually do that for us. How cool would that be?
Stay tuned…
In humble gratitude,
Alan Phillips, J.D.
Vaccine Rights Legal Expert
We, too, are manipulated. The same weaponized psychology that hides the problems from the masses hides real solutions from us. The intellect has no control over this. So, our “Next Level Awakening” requires a psychological process, to bring into view “implanted” subconscious blocks for release, to peel away our own unseen cognitive dissonance, one layer at a time. This is what lies between us and real solutions. So, make haste, for the window of opportunity is fast closing. For information, send an email to (a temporary, auto-response email address). Meanwhile:
Starting Place articles for Next Level Awakening:
1. The New Kentucky Law: Victory or Deception?
5. Awake and Asleep: Not So Different
6. Critical Thoughts on Critical Thinking
Vaccine Legal Exemptions:
Question? Contact Alan at
Exemption Articles:,
Alan Phillips, J.D., is the nation’s leading vaccine rights legal expert, the only person who’s ever worked fulltime as an attorney with exemptions, who’s worked in the more than 70 U.S. exemption contexts and sub-contexts with clients, attorneys, legislators, and activists nationally, and for anywhere near Alan’s two-and-a-half decades of legal exemption work. Experience matters! Info: