Last Friday’s operation went well, aside from the fact that the op team sent me home with the tourniquet still on my arm. I didn’t even notice it for several hours due to my post-anesthesia state and the tourniquet being covered by my outer garment. And the operation bruises go considerably beyond those on my swollen jaws; they extended down my entire throat onto the top few inches of the center of my chest. (This is a distinctly non-photogenic phase of the recovery). On a more sobering note, unfortunately, the operation revealed more serious infection than the x-rays had shown, so a follow-up operation is required and has been scheduled for Mon Feb 17th. Fortunately, there’s no additional cost for this. May it be the last one…
Meanwhile, I spent the day Thursday (Feb 6th) in the hospital due to a severe reaction to the post-op meds. The details are inappropriate for a public post, but suffice it to say that the pain was excruciating if ultimately relieved, but I’m still pretty blown out as I’m writing this now (Friday evening Feb 7th). So now I have to recover from that episode to get back to recovering from the surgery so I’ll be ready for the next surgery. (Even tragedy has its humor, no?) Other lesser anomalies have come up in the recovery as well—it just isn’t going smoothly—but hopefully, all will get resolved with the next surgery. I’ll keep you posted as new information becomes available and I’m able to post.
For those offering alternative health approaches they feel could have avoided all of this, please understand that I passed that point long ago. I’ve been into alternative health for decades, but the current situation was due to a combination of factors precluding that now, including dentists who withheld critical information during early disease stages years ago (thank you, capitalism), lack of funds for timely mainstream or alternative care once I finally was made aware of developing problems (though I’ve been seeing a holistic dentist for the past 3 years, when and as I’ve been financially able, who’s been up up front, honest, and kind), and my chronic PTSD simply isn’t a candidate for healing so has to be managed ongoing for the time being. The conditions leading to this affliction are as active now as they were in 2019. So, while the soldier traumatized by war comes home and leaves the war behind him, for example, I could be attacked again at any time for any reason or no reason. And every public post is a potential invitation for that, an act that increases the chances. So, my distress is continually renewed. Rest assured, though, that I’m continually taking proactive steps in that management. (And as a wise person once said: “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re not out to get you…”)
But friends, I never give up (what fun would that be?). There is a solution to all of this, it just can’t go forward until we create the conditions required for it to succeed. And that’s coming. Stay tuned…
Finally, I find it curious that none offering alternative help asked for details of the condition they sought to help. Those details are many and complex, so are critical to assess the potential viability of any potential healing approach. Everyone’s situation is unique; there’s no “cure all” for any one medical or psychological label. My personal health philosophy is broad; I’m open to anything from allopathy to psychic surgery, and I’ve seen successes and failures with both extremes and many things between. So, every situation just has to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by someone knowledgeable and experienced in all of the relevant areas in each individual case.
But regardless, all expressions of concern in any form were, and remain, deeply moving and helpful. They all made and continue to make a very real difference in my life, and for that, I am most grateful. And not just on behalf of myself. For my services are unique; they are simply not available anywhere else. So, the compassion you’ve shown matters! Because of you, I’ll be serving others in need for some time to come. That reaches beyond what we can know, and it fuels my unending gratitude to you, accordingly.
Thank you, one and all, for being there. You matter. We all matter.
With humble gratitude,